Senin, Juni 08, 2009


Tamagotchi had been a hit in Bandai Japan, when it was first released in the late 1996, Japan. Now that Tamagotchi had come to Singapore, it also had been snatch up by thousands of Singaporeans, lining up for hours just to get the egg toy at Japanese Shopping Centre. Now that the Popular pet toy is out of stock here, many eager Singaporeans are still waiting for the Tamagotchi to arrive by shipping desperately. Many people are calling to Japanese Shopping Centre asking them when will the next shipping be and so on, making it a trouble for the Shopping Centres' staffs.

Tamagotchi, product of Bandai, is actually an egg sharped watch that allows you to real your very own cute little virtual pet bird.tamagotchi now many kind from 1 until 5.5 series Being a master of these pet birds, you will have to feed it, scold it, and even take care of it's droppings in a very "clean" way. You can also play game with it and if you get tired of it and just threw it on the table for a few days, It will be dead. It's kind of funny that such a silly and childish games could win adults' heart, [like me, Young adult], especially amount the girls. I think it's because the pet bird looks very cute and funny. Anyway, before Tamagotchi, there were already many other virtual pets around, but it's just that they are not as popular as this pet bird.

To tell you the truth, I've tamagotchi too. so why I promote it here?? ^_^ hehe. as I had mention above, I think it's a very nice and cute game everyone should own.

8 komentar:

  1. wah kyknya penggemar tamagochi nie..hihi

  2. Irwin,lam kenal..
    Ia suka banget malahan..hoho

  3. ngolai, awak la tebuntang d rmh wkwkwkkwwk

  4. Hoho kok tau sih.
    Tp kl g sibuk maen kok kl sibuk gak smpet..:p
    Tp ttp djgo kok :D

  5. ia coba dulu,mmg sedikit ribet hoho..tapi asyikk loh :)

  6. waduh kayaknya masih marak yach yang maen tamagochi heee
